Residential Benefits
A House To Call Home Forever
Many types of window films are available, with features ranging from additional UV protection to a tint that limits the view of your home from the exterior. If you’re looking for a little more privacy from people in the street, the right window film can shield the view from the outside and give you a better sense of privacy and comfort inside your home.
Glare from the sun can have a significant impact on your comfort and productivity. For example, glare on your computer screen or television can be irritating, and may even block your view completely, which affects both your work and your recreation. Window tint not only blocks the heat from the sun, but it also reduces the blinding glare that comes through at certain points in the day and obscures your favorite television show or computer screen.
There are many improvements you can make to your home to enhance its curb appeal and improve its value, but window tint is a small investment for a major payoff. The right home window tint not only gives your home a sleek look, but also many inherent benefits that will be a selling point in the future. Whether you’re updating aspects of your home or taking on add-ons and full renovations, window tint is definitely worth considering.
Depending on which parts of your home get more sunlight and how big your windows are, you may find that certain rooms stay much hotter or cooler than others. When the heat of the sun is blocked, your home can stay at a consistent temperature more easily. This also reduces your energy use, since you no longer need to run the air conditioner in certain rooms to keep your whole home comfortable.
The primary reason most homeowners choose home window tint is to save on energy bills. Traditional glass windows allow the heat from the sun to penetrate, raising the interior temperature significantly. With window tint, much of the sunlight and heat is blocked, allowing your home to stay a much lower temperature and reducing your need to constantly run the air conditioner.
Window tint has the ability to hold glass together and keep shards from scattering everywhere. Along with preventing a potential burglary, this benefit can also help with innocent accidents and natural disasters. Whether your home was hit by a severe storm or a window was broken by a poorly aimed baseball, window tint will keep glass from ending up all over the room and causing injuries to you or your family.